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Lane, Lane & Kelly Legal Blog

Estate Planning and Coronavirus: The Importance of Having Health Care Documents and What it Means for Your Current Health Care Documents

With the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), and the abundance of fear and uncertainty that has come with it,...

David B. Lane

Our Certification of Title to Buyers of Real Estate

Our duties on behalf of the lender require that we examine the title to the premises. In addition, under the provisions...

David B. Lane

Title Insurance and Its Importance in Your Transaction

Real estate title insurance very simply is an insured statement of the conditions of one’s title or ownership rights to...

David B. Lane

Closing Attorneys and The Closing Process

Our duties on behalf of the lender require that we examine the title to the premises. In addition, under the provisions...

David B. Lane

Ways to Hold Title in Massachusetts

In order to properly prepare the mortgage documents we require information from you as to how you intend to take title...

David B. Lane

Representing the Interests of the Buyer in Real Estate Transactions

If this is your first home purchase, or perhaps you haven’t purchased a new home in a while, the process may seem...

David B. Lane

Important Notice About Your Closing (Buyers and Borrowers)

As you may know, our office represents your lender in matters relating to your request for a mortgage loan in order to...

David B. Lane