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Lane, Lane & Kelly Legal Blog

Maximizing Tax Benefits with the Stepped-Up Basis in Estate Planning

When it comes to estate planning, understanding the concept of a stepped-up tax basis is crucial for minimizing tax...

Matthew B. Lane

Estate Planning for Digital Assets: How to Protect Your Online Legacy

In today’s digital age, our lives are increasingly intertwined with the online world. From social media accounts and...

Matthew B. Lane

Protecting Your Summer Home: Estate Planning for Vacation Properties

Owning a summer home can be a wonderful asset, offering a retreat for family vacations and a potential source of rental...

Matthew B. Lane

Common Real Estate Disputes in Massachusetts and How to Resolve Them

There are several types of disputes that can arise either during real estate transactions in Massachusetts or just as a...

Matthew B. Lane

The Importance of Personalized Estate Planning: Be Cautious of Online DIY Platforms

In today's digital age, convenience is often just a few clicks away. With the rise of online platforms offering Will...

Matthew B. Lane

The Legal Documents Every Parent Needs Before Their Child Goes off to College: Power of Attorney & Health Care Proxy

As parents, sending our children off to college is a significant milestone, marked by excitement, anticipation, and a...

Matthew B. Lane

Squatter's Rights in Massachusetts: What Property Owners Need to Know

In recent news, stories about apartments being occupied by unauthorized individuals, known as squatters, have...

Matthew B. Lane

Where to Store Your Estate Planning Documents

Your estate planning documents should be cared for appropriately. Any damage to the original document, whether...

Matthew B. Lane

What is Probate? An Overview of the Massachusetts Probate Process

Losing a loved one is undoubtedly one of life's most challenging experiences. Amidst the grief and emotional turmoil,...

Matthew B. Lane

What is a 1031 Exchange? A Guide to the Tax Advantages & Estate Planning Benefits

As a real estate investor, maximizing returns and minimizing tax liabilities are key priorities in building a...

Matthew B. Lane